Monday, May 21, 2007

Rhododendrons and Bloodgood Maple

Today was a busy day in the garden. After the rain stopped in the AM, we started right away with preparations for the Rhodos on the sloped, rear garden. Visible from the street, these three trees will really fill in the left side of the slope quite nicely. We also did some trimming for the Maple in the center of the downslope part of the yard.

we started the project by clearing and turning the soil on the slope area. It was a workout! We did it all by hand with a pitchfork and shovel. It was a good way to improve the soil and get the area ready for the planting. Next was digging the holes and putting a good amount of top soil (MiracleGro top soil actually).

One of the key 'design' aspects we were trying for was to space the rhodos 6-feet apart, achieve a nice three-some arrangement, and form a mound around the plant base. this mound helps to catch the moisture and maintain the soil around the plants.

We just had enough mulch to cover / protect the three rhododendrons once they were planted. But it sure does a great job to protect the soil and keep the moisture in the soil.

Oooeee! Check out the cute Gardener! (sepia style)

When it was all done... we had three happy rhodos... and a bloodgood Maple. The cutting back of branches in the area also helped to open up the space and change the view quite dramatically.

And one last 'artistic' photo of the rhododendron, well-watered about to bloom.

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